Location & Campus Guide

Edogawa Girls’ Junior & Senior High School is located in Edogawa, Tokyo.
The nearest train station is Koiwa, which is approximately 20 minutes from Tokyo Station.

Contact & Access

Edogawa Girls’ Junior & Senior High School is located in Edogawa, Tokyo.
The nearest train station is Koiwa, which is approximately 20 minutes from Tokyo Station.

Mailing Address

Edogawa Girls’ Junior & Senior High School 5-22-1, Higashi Koiwa, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo Japan 133-8552


Edogawa Girls’ Junior & Senior High School: 03-3659-1241
*The country code for Japan: 81

Here are some of the pictures of our campus.

main entrance


study room



Japanse-style room and garden

piano space


computer room

katabami hall